5 Things You Didn't Know About Gypsum

January 14, 2019
石膏是一种矿物质,存在于我们日常使用的许多物品中,比如牙膏和洗发水. 它也被用来制造波特兰水泥和干墙, 为餐具和牙印制作模具, and to build roads and highways.

Gypsum, also known as calcium sulfate hydrate, 是在世界各地的沉积岩层中发现的天然矿物吗. 它是由含有钙和硫酸盐的水的蒸发和补充形成的.

White or gray in color, 石膏可以磨成细粉,然后煮沸,直到大部分水分被除去——这个过程被称为煅烧. 将水加回粉末中会产生一种柔韧的物质,这种物质可以形成某种形状或模具,并会变硬以保持这种形状, 或者这种物质可以添加到其他材料中使它们结合在一起.

由于它的结合能力,石膏是一些牙膏的主要成分. It is also used as plaster to create surgical casts; as an additive in many foods, like canned vegetables, ice cream and tofu; and as an amendment, conditioner and fertilizer for agricultural applications.

Other uses of gypsum include:

  • For settling particles in ponds
  • For brewing beer and making mead
  • 用于制作干墙、墙板或石膏板
  • For binding tennis court clay
  • 作为餐具模具,车窗和牙模石膏
  • As a hardening element in Portland cement
  • In roads and highways
  • As sidewalk or classroom chalk
  • In hair products, like shampoo, and creams
  • And much, much more.

尽管石膏在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色,在我们的许多家庭中都能找到, food and hygiene products, 许多人对这种矿物质知之甚少,甚至根本不知道它的存在. 这里有一些关于这种矿物的鲜为人知的事实,对许多人来说是一个谜.

1. It was the star of many early movies

Gypsum Did You Know

Before the era of computer generated imagery, 早期的好莱坞电影人使用了一些物质来 create fake snow on set包括棉花、玉米片和肥皂片. 他们还用刨花石膏来模仿真雪的样子.

但雪并不是石膏在银幕上扮演的唯一角色. 它的一个反复出现的角色是创造电影场景.

因为石膏在人行道的制作中很常见, 因此,这种矿物可能是在好莱坞星光大道上被固化的. The stars are made of terrazzo它由大理石碎片、花岗岩、石英或玻璃组成,浇筑在混凝土基座上. 混凝土常与波特兰水泥结合,使其硬化, and gypsum is an element in Portland cement.

2. It's found in the Egyptian pyramids

当埃及人知道石膏可以通过研磨和加水制成石膏时, they used it everywhere inside their palaces, pyramids and tombs. 几千年后,石膏依然屹立不倒,被证明是一种耐用的建筑材料. 

3. It was named by the Ancient Greeks

“石膏”这个名字来源于古希腊单词“gypsos”,意思是石膏. The ancient Greeks 他们在庙宇的窗户上使用一种石膏,因为当太阳照进来时,它会在祭坛上产生月光效果. 古希腊人将这种石膏命名为“亚硒酸盐”,以纪念他们的月亮女神, Selene, and the name has stuck all these years. 

4. Ben Franklin used gypsum on his farm

Benjamin Franklin was the one of the first people in the United States to use gypsum. 他称其为“土地石膏”,并将其用于他的农场,以调节土壤. 这种土地石膏今天仍用于农业应用,以提供植物营养来源, 改善土壤结构,减少径流, among other benefits. 

5. Gypsum-coated walls offer fire protection

许多房子的墙壁和天花板上都覆盖着干墙,因为它既容易安装,也很容易涂上一层油漆. But drywall, which is made of gypsum plaster, 除了方便装修外,它还为房主提供了另一个好处 protection in the event of a fire.

因为石膏含有水,如果家里发生火灾,它的温度不会超过212华氏度. 石膏中的水将以蒸汽的形式释放出来,干墙将保持在华氏212度,直到所有的水蒸发殆尽. Although gypsum is not fireproof, 它将在一段时间内保护房屋结构不受破坏. 

How gypsum is processed?

天然状态下的石膏是一种常与石灰石分层的矿石. 最常见的是通过露天采矿将其从自然状态中解放出来. 使石膏矿进入一种可以出售的状态,因为它有多种用途, it is crushed to size using DDC-Sizers, Feeder-Breakers, Hammermill Crushers, Jaw Crushers or Roll Crushers and stockpiled to await further processing.


A McLanahan DDC-Sizer.

The crushed gypsum is screened using Vibratory Screens 为了区分不同用途的尺寸. 屏幕上的一个尺寸可以作为水泥缓凝剂出售, 而另一种尺寸可能会储存以供进一步处理. 进一步的处理包括干燥矿石以除去多余的水分, 然后把它磨成细粉,也就是我们所说的灰泥. The land plaster is collected in a Hydrocylcone,卸到传送带上,储存起来作为土壤调节剂出售.

To create stucco, 石膏用热气体加热,要么直接在闪式煅烧炉中加热,要么间接在釜式煅烧炉中加热,以除去大部分化学结合水. 灰泥可以进一步研磨,并与缓凝剂混合,以形成抹灰, or it can be mixed with dry additives, water, shredded paper, accelerators and soap foam; spread in a mold; and dried in a kiln to create wallboard. 

Gypsum is all around us

The next time you are sitting in your home, playing a game of tennis, brushing your teeth, 洗头发,甚至只是走在人行道上, 想想看,这一切之所以成为可能,都是因为一种鲜为人知的矿物——石膏. 

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